Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our First Story - Not Quite Anonymous, but Cool Nevertheless

This is our first story!

I was flying back from Ohio Tuesday. While we were waiting to board the first plane, I noticed a woman in a wheelchair waiting her turn, just sort of staring ahead. I also noticed she had a pretty print dress on. Instead of just passing by, I commented on how pretty the flowers were on her dress. You should have seen her face light up! How much energy did that take on my part?! I made myself a promise to do it more often. Now that I have looked at your website, I see that's what you've resolved, too, with your unique slant. Cool!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Anouncements of May 6th

Sorry we haven't been anouncing for a while. We've been busy. We have an idea that might help us to get the site going around. We could go around town, leaving little gifts on porches - with the website written on a piece of paper taped to them.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2nd Logo

This is our second logo. We really like them, and hope you do, too.


THIS IS ONE OF OUR LOGOS!!!!!! We FINALLY got them on! Hope you enjoy them!